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content marketing

/Tag:content marketing

Your simple two-in-one marketing plan

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Here’s how to simultaneously build an amazing network and publish amazing content marketing. Record one educational Zoom interview per week – this could be with clients, suppliers, referral partners or key industry figures.  Chop up that video interview into seven short snippets – now you’ve got one social post for each day of the week.  Take [...]

If you’ve got it, flaunt it

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Should you fake it until you make it in marketing? The answer is half no, half yes.  No because you should never claim to have knowledge you don’t have – you should never pretend to be an expert in something when you’re not.  But yes because you don’t need to have a particular certificate or to [...]

Your customers are going to consume marketing … so it might as well be yours

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"If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will."  Thank you for that important business lesson, Bob Hooey.  Taking care of your customer doesn't refer only to customer service. It also refers to marketing.  If you’re not educating your customers with a steady stream of helpful content marketing, your competitor will.  No matter [...]

Use your marketing to build a reputation

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Do you want customers to see your small business as valuable?  Then you need to offer them value.  One way to do that is with content marketing.  If you consistently publish interesting, helpful content, your customers will come to see you as valuable. It won’t happen immediately, because building a reputation takes time.  But if you [...]

The big marketing secret is … there are no secrets

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You need to give away your intellectual property in your content marketing.  Because those secrets you think are secrets – they're actually not secrets.  All the information in the world can already be accessed through the internet.  So don't hoard all your intellectual property. Set it free.  The more information you share with your customers, the [...]

Win them over one bit of marketing at a time…

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How do you build trust with your customers?  You do it one piece of content at a time.  One blog or video on its own won’t do anything. But what will make an impact is a large and ongoing collection of content.  The more times a potential customer sees your content, the more they’ll trust your [...]

How to make content marketing easier

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Content marketing can be hard. So look for ways to make it easier.  One way is to do your content in batches.  Set aside some time each week where you do nothing but create content – from writing blogs and shooting videos to finding images and creating infographics.  You can also use a scheduling tool like [...]

Marketing 101: don’t expect a strong result from a weak effort

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Too many small businesses are making a 50% effort with content marketing but expecting to get 100% results.  What you get out is what you put in.  If you want to succeed with content marketing, you need to commit to regularly publishing quality content – the key words being ‘regularly’ and ‘quality’.  If you regularly publish [...]

Eternal vigilance is the price of eternal content marketing

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If you want to publish regular content marketing, you have to make sure you’re always on the lookout for new ideas.  Something I do is keep a neverending list of ideas. Anytime I think of a new idea, I add it to the list. Sometimes, ideas magically pop into my mind. Often, though, I get ideas [...]

Repeat after me: “I will do content marketing every day”

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One of the big mistakes small businesses make with content marketing is to treat it as a bonus activity they do if they find the time. Content marketing shouldn’t be a sometimes activity. It should be a daily, non-negotiable activity.  You need to start seeing content marketing as an essential pillar of your business – like [...]